The Children's Station
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School buses from children’s respective district/schools will be utilized in transporting children to TCS after school hours and TCS has a Van Conversion equipped with ramp that can be utilized in emergency cases only.

Purpose and Philosophy The children’s Station was created to provide physically, mentally or behaviorally challenged and developmentally disabled children an opportunity for a supportive program that encourages the acquisition, development and further enhancement of special skills, talents and the appreciation for music, arts, dancing, singing, musical-instrument-playing as well as gardening. The program will serve physically challenged children.., (more..,)

Transportation School buses from children’s respective district/schools will be utilized in transporting children to TCS after school hours and TCS has a Van Conversion equipped with ramp that can be utilized in emergency cases only. (more..,)

Benefits Besides the fun in our daily activities, the clients will have these benefits: 1) Relief of pain and muscle spasm, 2) Strengthening of weak muscles, 3) Increase in range of motion of joints, 4) Re-education of paralyzed muscles, 5) Improvement in circulation, 6) Improvement in balance, coordination, and posture, (more..,)

Policies Cras enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu augue. Integer risus wisi, semper eu, congue quis, lobortis ut, massa. Vestibulum auctor vestibulum lectus. Vivamus neque. Cras lobortis. Aenean ut turpis eu libero volutpat euismod. Donec eget lectus vitae ligula ornare tempor. Vivamus scelerisque lorem a elit. Sed id mauris.

Program Activities The Children’s Station after school day care program initially includes individual program which encourages the acquisition, development and other enhancement of skills and talents as well as provide additional informative knowledge in areas such as music, arts, gardening, and religion. (more..,)

Food Provision Children are expected to arrive at different time schedules (depending on their grade level). Mid-afternoon snacks are prepared by TCS staff and shall be served as soon as the child arrives. They will be given choices on beverage e.g. milk (fat free or regular), (more..,)

Operating Hours Cras enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu augue. Integer risus wisi, semper eu, congue quis, lobortis ut, massa. Vestibulum auctor vestibulum lectus. Vivamus neque. Cras lobortis. Aenean ut turpis eu libero volutpat euismod. Donec eget lectus vitae ligula ornare tempor. Vivamus scelerisque lorem a elit. Sed id mauris.

Forms Cras enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu augue. Integer risus wisi, semper eu, congue quis, lobortis ut, massa. Vestibulum auctor vestibulum lectus. Vivamus neque. Cras lobortis. Aenean ut turpis eu libero volutpat euismod. Donec eget lectus vitae ligula ornare tempor. Vivamus scelerisque lorem a elit. Sed id mauris.

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